Estimate Master

OS X 10.10
An Estimating tool for any business A estimating app that is flexible and customizable for your business Customizable estimate fields and cost basis categories Create custom labor tasks using multiple labor rates Create custom estimate / proposal / bid documents for your business SEE MORE SCREEN SHOTS AND VIDEO TUTORIALS AT COONCREEKSOFTWARE.COM Highlights * Create customized pre-calculation templates to simplify estimate creation. * A database of your customers, estimates, parts, materials, labor tasks / rates, bids / subcontractors, taxes, and markup percentages. * Allows you to define parts, materials and labor rates and activities specific to your business. * Allows incorporating bids from your subcontractors into your estimates. * Quick, easy and accurate estimate creation from your database of parts, materials and labor items. * Easy to duplicate, combine and update estimates. * Organizes parts, materials and / or labor items into assemblies for fast estimate creation. * Creates a formal bid / proposal document with your personalized comments that you can print or email directly to customers using unlimited number of customizable templates. * Multiple templates contain logo image, standard terms text, formatting and page size, orientation and positioning information. Use templates to create bids, proposals, estimates and invoices * Markup can be applied to all, materials separately & labor separately, or individually to material / labor items. * Unlimited customizable cost basis categories including per item, per length, per length - weight, percentage of job, etc. * Estimate items can be partitioned, grouped and subtotaled with custom ordering. * Keep unlimited notes by estimate project. * Totals and subtotals costs and optionally weight. * Works with English Standard and Metric measurements. * Supports full international languages in database text items. * Works with any currency supported by Mac OS X. * Does not require internet access to function. * Purchase is one time with no In-App purchase options. Get started by importing data into Estimate Master * Import industry standard .csv files into parts, materials, labor, customers and subcontractors. Export your data * Export your estimates to an industry standard .csv file. Easily works with any tax structure * Keeps tax info for multiple taxing districts you work in. * Choose to include markup or not in taxes. * Exempt certain items from taxes. * Apply "piggy back" taxes as in some Canadian provinces. * Apply taxes (or not) individually by estimate. Apply markup intelligently * Keeps your commonly used markups for different customers. * Add different or same markup to labor and materials. * Exempt certain items from markup. * Apply markup individually by estimate. Protect your database * Backup, archive and restore your Estimate Master database via email. Sync with iCloud * Share your Estimate Master database between users in your organization. * Works with Estimate Master on both iPads and Macs. * No additional cost.