EPPP Psychology Boards Exam Prep

OS X 10.6
With 900+ practice questions, the Dynamic Path's EPPP Exam Prep app is designed to helpyou study for the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. By assessing learned knowledge in practical questions, Dynamic Path's EPPP Exam Prep will help to successfully bridge the gap between your education and practical patient application. This app covers all sections of the EPPP exam: - Biological Bases of Behavior - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior - Growth and Lifespan Development - Assessment and Diagnosis - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision - Research Methods and Statistics - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues Each of the 900+ questions is paired with a detailed, explanatory answer. The app also feature our exclusive, intuitive UI, with three distinct modes: - Study Mode: Study at your own pace and immediately review your answers - Test Mode: Set your own question and time constraints to simulate the exam experience - Review Mode: Review your answers in both question-by-question and aggregate format This app is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the ASPPB.