English French Vietnamese Dictionary

OS X 10.7
English French Vietnamese dictionary is a simple fast dictionary which allows to look-up word from and to any of the three languages. This application uses an efficient algorithm to match typing word so you don't have to change the type of keyboard while typing your word. For ex., type c for ç, a for á/à/ă/â/ạ/ấ/..., e for ê/é/è/ẹ/ế/... Dictionaries: - English French - French English - English Vietnamese - Vietnamese English - French Vietnamese - Vietnamese French Features: - Fast suggestion list - Choosing preferred languages and/or dictionaries from search menu. - Compatible with any alphabetic Input Source (English / French / Vietnamese) - Cross lookup inside application - Fast lookup in other applications using ⌘ + selection. For OS 10.8 or earlier, go to Settings / Universal Access, and check Enable access for assistive devices