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WAGmob brings you Simple 'n Easy, on-the-go learning app for "Engineering".
*You can purchase "Aerospace Engineering*, Agricultural Engineering*, Chemical Engineering*, Civil Engineering*, Electrical Engineering*, Mechanical Engineering*, Telecom Engineering*, Software Quality Engineering*, Computer Science*, Digital Electronics*, Networking*, Mechanics*, Robotics*, Nanotechnology*" applications from within this app just for $0.99 each.
The app provides:
1.Snack sized chapters for easy learning.
2.Bite sized flashcards to memorize key concepts.
Designed for both students and adults.
This app provides a quick summary of essential concepts in Engineering by following snack sized chapters:
"Aerospace Engineering" includes:
History of Human Flight
Basic Aerodynamics
Flight dynamics
Aerodynamics of Maneuvering Flight and more...
"Agricultural Engineering" includes:
Principle of Agriculture
Principles of Soil Science
Horticulture and Crops
Surveying and Levelling and more...
"Chemical Engineering" includes:
Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Basics of Chemistry
Equations, Reactions, and Basics of Quantum Mechanics
Chemical Thermodynamics
Biochemical Engineering
Solids, Liquids and Gases and more...
"Civil Engineering" includes:
Introduction to Civil Engineering
Fundamental Definition
Material Properties
Leveling and more...
"Electrical Engineering" includes:
Basics of Electricity
Electric Current
Series and Parallel Circuits
Kirchhoff's Laws and more...
"Mechanical Engineering" includes:
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Engineering Materials
Mechanical Properties
Mechanical Measurements
Measurement Tools and more...
"Telecom Engineering" includes:
Introduction and Model
Data Transmission
Impairment and more...
"Software Quality Engineering" includes:
Quality Framework and ISO-9126
Quality Models and Measurements
Correctness and Defects: Definitions, Properties, and Measurements
Software Quality Assurance
Software Testing
White Box and Black Box Testing and more...
"Computer Science" includes:
Computer Hardware
Computer Software
Sorting Algorithms
Operating System
File processing and more...
"Digital Electronics" includes:
Digital Number System
Binary Codes
Boolean Laws and Simplification of Boolean Function
Digital Logic Gates and more...
"Networking" includes:
Network Technology
Network Topology
The OSI Model
Communication Protocols
Network Hardware and more...
"Mechanics" includes:
Fundamental Definitions
Force and its Types
Force Laws
Moment and Couple
Center of Gravity and Centroid and more...
"Robotics" includes:
Introduction to Robotics
Types of Robots
Why use Robots
Where are Robots used
What are Robots made of
Robot Drive Train Design and more...
"Nanotechnology" includes:
Manufacturing Process Bottom Up
Manufacturing Process Top Down
Surface Analytical Instrumentation Technique
Carbon Nanotubes and more...
About WAGmob apps:
1) A companion app for on-the-go, bite-sized learning.
2) Over Three million paying customers from 175+ countries.
Why WAGmob apps:
1) Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy, Massive selection of apps.
2) Effective, Engaging and Entertaining apps.
3) An incredible value for money. Lifetime of free updates!
* * * WAGmob Vision : simpleNeasy apps for a lifetime of on-the-go learning.* * *
* * * WAGmob Mission : A simpleNeasy WAGmob app in every hand.* * *
* * * WAGmob Platform: A unique platform to create and publish your own apps & e-Books.* * *
Please visit us at www.wagmob.com or write to us at Team@wagmob.com.
We would love to improve our app and app platform.