Endocrinology Calculators contains 8 calculators related to Endocrinology.
1. Average Blood Glucose
Average Blood Glucose from HbA1C
2. Basal Energy Expenditure
Determine total calorie needs
3. Body Mass Index
Useful for assessing obesity
4. Fractional Excretion of Calcium
Calculates Fractional Excretion of Calcium
5. Ideal Body Weight
Find your Ideal Body Weight
6. LDL Cholesterol Calculator
Friedewald Formula
7. Microalbuminuria
Albumin/Creatinine Ratio used in Diabetes
8. Tubular PO4 Reabsorption
Used to Identify hyperparathyroidism
We are in the process of adding more calculators.
If you want to add a particular calculator, please let us know and we will add it. Send your suggestions to pjoshi@itaxsmart.com