Endless Rash Drive : its a Moto Bike Multiplayer Race

OS X 10.6.6
lets Rash Drive the Moto against the Facebook friends and online Multi player Rivals. its a Legend of Street Road and Rash Fighting game with lots of power ups and weapons. Speed up the motorcycle and Fight with the rivals to takedown. Be aware of Rivals revenge, they gonna breakdown your speed. Cops are furious to arrest when a rider at high speed or Riding violently Gameplay Strategy: #its an Endless highway race so there is no end to save me, just you need to collect coins or watch video or invite fb friends to be in endless Street race forever Features #Awesome gameplay experience on ios Smartphones and Tablets! #Race up the Leaderboards and show everyone you are the Real Racer of your destiny! Intuitive game rules: # Tilt device to control moto in direction # Tap screen to Boost or accelerate. # Swipe left and right to Fight Power ups: # Swipe to give Punches and fast kicks # Trigger the Bullet and missile to clear your way with powerful Sonic blasts # Jet Power to escape from Riders # Boost power to speed up Super Bike # invincible Shield to smash the cars # Collect Coins In-Game and use them to buy Super bikes and Power-Ups! Tips to win high score: # Keep accelerating Moto so that the score will be boosted. The boost factor is shown on the right top of the screen. # Watch out indicator light. Car may turn left or right.