Electrical Engineering Calculator is an easy to use App that Contains 18 Engineering Calculators
Electrical Engineering Calculator includes the following Calculators:
- Cable Length from Sag, Span
- Spring Resonant Frequency
- Solenoid Coil Electromagnetic Force
- Capacitor Energy (E) and RC Time Constant
- Physical Properties of Coil / Material
- Inductance of an Air Core Coil
- Parallel Resistor
- Straight Wire Inductor
- 8051 PIC Microcontroller Time Delay
- Microstrip Transmission Lines Impedance
- Electrical Admittance (Y)
- Electrical Power Factor
- Specific Work of Gas Turbine
- 3 Phase Power Calculator by Two Wattmeters Method
- Specific Work
- Youngs Modulus Spring Resonant Frequency
- Gear Ratio
- mA/h Power Consumption
It Also Includes:
- Formula for Each Calculator
- Description for Each Calculator
- Copy Answer Button
- Clear Button
- Clear All Button