OS X 10.10
Create EPUB ebooks the easy way. Write in a beautiful distraction-free environment, and when you’ve finished writing, turn it into a wonderful ebook by the click of a button. Eboocz is ideal for writers with self-publishing ambitions, but it is also ideal for businesses that want an easy way to create engaging ebooks as a content marketing tool. Most writing tools handle EPUB as an afterthought, but Eboocz was created with nothing but EPUB ebooks in mind. Add a cover image and all necessary meta data, decide if you want a table of contents included in your book, which parts of the book should be in the TOC and resample images to the correct size automatically. Eboocz has lots of features that make writing and creating an ebook easy. The styling of your ebook is handled by styles and you can choose from several different styles or create your own. With Eboocz styles you can style every section of your book differently. For instance, you could have a different style template for your title page, copyright page, dedication, epigraph and chapters. And you can use the preview button to see if you like the result. Eboocz uses the Markdown markup language. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format and then convert it to a structurally valid ebook. For instance, type # Chapter 1 at the beginning of your chapter and Eboocz knows this should be styled as a heading for a chapter. Eboocz, made easy.