Think Mac OS X's Spotlight could use some help, especially when searching for text files? Download EasyFind, an alternative to (or supplement of) Spotlight and find files, folders, or contents in any file without indexing. EasyFind is especially useful for those tired of slow or impossible indexing, outdated or corrupted indices, or those just looking for features missing in the Finder or Spotlight.
- Boolean operators, wildcards, phrases
- Extended Boolean operators, similar to DEVONthink and DEVONagent
- Immediate searches, no indexing required
- Finds invisible files and files inside packages (something Spotlight doesn't do)
- Displays the location of each file in a separate column
- Previews files using Quick Look (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
- Provides contextual menus and services
- Supports drag-and-drop
- Very responsive, thanks to multithreading
- Uses very little memory
EasyFind这款小软件是为弥补Spotlight短板设计的文件搜索工具,特别适用于搜索目录下的特殊文件,隐藏文件以及包含目标关键词的文档。 小编找到EasyFind帮忙是因为前段时间MAS突然冒出个Twitter Update的怪问题,可Mac中根本没有安装Twitter,经过度娘才了解到之前M...