Easy WAV Converter converts audio files of different formats to WAV. It supports over 20 formats for input, and it can also extract audio from video files, such as mp4 files. The conversion process is easy and fast. Customization options include the options such as:
+ Volume normalization;
+ Fade In & Out;
+ Trimming silence from start and end of the tracks;
+ Preserving the original file and folder structure, including text and images.
Embedded Player
If you want to play any of your files before conversion, use the built-in audio player. Simply click Play to the left of your desired track. Pause, Stop, Rewind and Fast-forward buttons are above the tracks.
Supported Input Formats
Easy WAV Converter supports mp3, mp4, m4a, wav, aiff, caf, mp2, mp1, aac, au, m4r, ts, mov, qt, mpg, 3gp, ac3, m4v, bwf, 3gt, vob , amr, 3ga, awb, au, snd, adts and m4b formats.
Note: the DRM files of any type are not supported.
Loading The Files & Directories
Drag & Drop the files and directories you want to convert into the app window. Use as many or as few files and directories as you want, large or small batches.
Deleting Unneeded Tracks
If you accidentally dropped a wrong file into the app, you can delete it using the drop-down menu to the right of the track. Click on the arrow button, then “Remove from list”.
Choose a destination for storing your WAV files. You can choose to save them on your computer, on an external hard drive, thumb drive etc.
Customize The WAV Settings
Explore the custom options in Settings. General Settings allow you to customize WAV settings, Source / Destination settings and After Conversion Options.
Operations & Effects
If your audio tracks have originally been recorded at different volume, you can normalize their volume. Add Fade In/Out and Trim Silence for smoother transitions between tracks.
General Settings
Customize your sample rate (11025 Hz- 16000 Hz), as well as bits per sample (16-32 bits) and choose between mono and stereo channels. If you wish to keep some or all non-audio files in the batch you want to convert, select between the options allowing you to keep image files, text, original folder structure or the entire content of your original batch. Select the sound signal, if you want an audio notification when the conversion is completed, and choose if you want the folder with your WAV files to open.
Click Convert. Watch the progress of conversion, pause or stop it any time you want.
Enjoy your WAV files!
Download Easy WAV Converter now!