OS X 10.10
Easy Markdown lets you create Web pages just writing plain text with Markdown simple syntax. A text written in Markdown is a plain text which looks correctly to humans as text and automatically translates in a correctly web pages coded in html. Inside the application the user can create nice formatted text on the left, and automatically have good looking web pages on the right. Using Easy Markdown is simple and effective and you will get benefit even if you are an html or Markdown expert. Easy markdown is the perfect editor for Markdown text. The text written on the left of the page (in normal text) becomes automatically a web page on the right of the window as-you-type. You immediately see the result and how it changes at any single keystroke (images included) . No coding required, and you can copy the html code (the body, the full page or the full page with used CSS embedded) in a click. You can just port the copied code in a true html environment in a single copy and paste operation and you will have the same page online. A lot of people and company already use Markdown because it is simply to master and offer the advantage to have both text and web in a single source. Easy Markdown was realized to make all this more easy then ever. Easy Markdown allows to open end edit directly 66 different types of text file such as TEXT, TXT, HTML, CSS and so on.. The application offers many helping tool to better format the page. You can create correctly formatted web page without remembering the markdown rules thanks to the help from the app At any time your can copy in addition also the RTF text to use it in other apps The snippets manager allows to have repetitive text ready to paste in any opened document Start of row tags can be applied in a single command to many rows in a single click New Line can be forced to many rows in a single click (a double space at the end of any line in Markdown syntax, forces a newline in the resulting html) When a start of row tag is applied, selecting the rows, it is evidenced in the toolbar by the auto selection of the correspondent tool. A custom CSS (Custom Style Sheet) can be used for the web page instant visualization and the used CSS it can changed at any time via e popup menu. You can use the CSS we have available for download and you can use also your own you can create. Features: • Shows the text and the auto generated web page as-you-type the plain text • Can show both text, web and html code in collapsable split views. • Can copy the text, the html and an RTF version with a single click • Enhanced editor with line numbers • Smooth web update as-you-type. • Variable font size for editor, html view and web view. • Instant change of CSS in use upgrades the web page • Tags applicable rows can now be applied to more then one row per time with a single command selecting the rows and clicking the tool in the toolbar • When you select one or more rows, if common tags or none is applied to the start of all rows, it is evidenced in the toolbar • Common tags can be applied to all rows even if the selection doesn't include the start of the first row • After applying a tag row (start of line or end of line) the entire row is selected • Full Undo working with all the command that can apply Tags, Marks, and Snippets. • Snippets manager to have repetitive text ready to paste • Copy of the html code (body only, page, full page with CSS embedded) in 1 click • Show images online as you insert the link • PDF User Guide included under the Help menu We are sure you will love Easy Markdown.