OS X 10.6
DVRPlayerPlus is compatable for the iMac DVRPlayerPlus is a player for surveillance. It has the following funtions: Features include: - device management, you can add, edit and delete any video device as you want; - video preview, you can monitor multiple channels and devices at the same time; - local recording, you can record the video locally and replay it later on; - photo capture, you can capture an photo of the video at any time; - file searching, you can search the local and remote files by time and type; -Remote setting,you can manage your DVR's setting on your iMac ; -Remote Playback,you can Playback the record files that save in the DVR - more features are coming soon! If you have any question please contact with us: ezeyehelp@gmail.com www.myezeye.com Thank you for choosing our application.