OS X 10.6
Now you can get a simplified edition of DruppPro for free! DruppLite is a functionally-limited edition for users who do not exchange large files. Drupp is a proprietary client for the online storage service (drupp.net) which is specialized for file exchange. Simply installing DruppLite, you can immediately share files without a cumbersome user registration and a monthly fee. Just drop a file (files) to this application, it (they) will be uploaded to the server and you can get the URL for download. As those URL can be accessed from browser, you can easily exchange file between different OS. It can be used, for example, to pass the files which have been passed by e-mail. ■ Features - Dropping to Dock icon as well as main window is supported - Multiple files and folders will be automatically compressed upon dropping. - Maximum number and validity period of downloads can be configured. - No cumbersome registration such as account creation required. - Monthly fee for server access is free. DruppLite is functionally-limited in comparison with DruppPro. - Upper limit of uploading file is 5MB. - Server storage capacity is 15MB. - Maximum retention period is 24h. - Restriction function based on passwords or IP addresses, cooperation with Evernote are not supported. ### See also DruppPro ### http://j.mp/DruppPro