Drone Controller for Jumping Sumo

OS X 10.10
Thank you for your interest in this application! This is the best controller application for the Parrot Jumping Sumo. Over 36,000 people all over the world are using our applications! On sale! ※The price of this application is going to rise by 50%. Please do not miss the chance of your purchase! - Description - Drone Controller for Jumping Sumo is a remote control application for Parrot Jumping Sumo. ※Not compatible with Jumping Race/Night Drone. This software arrows to control the drone by Trackpad/Mouse/Keyboard/Gamepad (In-App purchase. compatible with Logitech F310, PS3 DUALSHOCK3, PS4 WIRELESS CONTROLLER, etc). - Function Introduction - ・Control the drone by Trackpad/Mouse/Keyboard/Gamepad(In-App purchase). ・View a streaming video from Jumping Sumo. ・Record a video from Jumping Sumo video stream. Save the video to Mac movies directory. ・Take a picture from Jumping Sumo video stream. Save the picture to Mac pictures directory. ※※※※※ Attention ※※※※※ Before you start this application, Please check that you have a Wi-Fi connection with the Jumping Sumo in the Settings Menu. We assume no responsibility about any accidents and problems. Enjoy!