Drive Clean – Manage & Clear Junk Files from External Drives

OS X 10.9
-- FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY -- Drive Clean is a perfect companion app for managing the removable drives on your Mac. It cleans up your flash drives (pen drives, thumb drives), memory/SD cards and external hard drives from unnecessary junk that is created on your system. This junk is typically generated by OS X and Windows, and includes .DS_Store, Thumbs.db, .Spotlight, hidden trashes and more. Furthermore, the app allows you to easily see all your available drives in one simplified menu. KEY FEATURES: • Clean up external hard disk drives (HDDs) and flash drives from accumulated junk manually or automatically • Eject all external and DMG drives with a single click • Access and eject your drives directly from the simple menu • Monitor free space on your drives • Works with external HDDs, flash drives, DMG files and network volumes • Runs in docked menubar mode or free floating mode BENEFITS OF DRIVE CLEAN: • Cleans up useless service files that your media players fail to play • Erases unnecessary files permanently from your drives, and not just moving them to the Trash • Removes thumbs.db and other Windows files that are not required We've worked hard to make Drive Clean as simple and efficient as possible for you to use. We would love to hear your thoughts via email and make any improvements to future versions of this app. We intend to have an active development cycle powered by your feedback, love and support!