OS X 10.11+
DragToDo is the ultimate light-weight, low mental overhead ToDo-list app for macOS to just keep track of the Most Important Things (MITs). DragToDo is a ToDo-list app where you drag & drop files, e-mails, calendar events, etc. to make a list of what you need to be doing right now. It can also be used as a list of temporary bookmarks you want to keep together while you're processing them. Simple drag and drop interaction makes it easy and fast to add new items to your list. No clicking, no typing, no deciding what project a new item belongs to or which priority it should get. Avoid the mental overhead of coming up with yet another "five-word item description". Features: - Appears when you need it, hides when you don't. - Drag in files, e-mails, calendar items or web links to add them to the list. - Double-click to open the related item. - Drag the icons out to remove the item when it's done. - Click an item to select the action you need to take on it, the item will be coloured for your convenience.