Download Shuttle: Speed Boost

OS X 10.8
Download Shuttle is a blisteringly fast download accelerator and manager, and it’s free! All downloads made via Download Shuttle are multi-segmented, i.e., each file is split into many smaller parts that are simultaneously being downloaded. This ensures that the speeds you experience are a lot faster as your bandwidth is maximized. Key Features: - Faster speeds with multi-segmented downloads - Download management tool that allows unlimited simultaneous multiple downloads - Support for URLs that require authentication - Pause and resume support for URLs that support it - Drag and drop support for download links - Support for http/https - OS X Service to send a URL to be downloaded directly by Download Shuttle - Quick Look support - Slick and incredibly easy to use interface. We've spent a great deal of time thinking about the details and after using this app for a few days, you'll begin to notice our small yet creative touches. We plan on a very active development cycle, so please spread the word and keep sending us your feedback!