OS X 10.11
Doris Desktop is a no-clutter Task Management app for people who want to get things done (requires an Internet connection). Since 2008 Doris has been helping tens of thousands of users worldwide stay on top of their todo lists. In addition to the popular web and iPhone apps, we’re excited to introduce Doris Desktop to the Mac App Store. Use Doris to take notes, make shopping lists, set goals, plan work and get things done. The easy-to-use interface is simple enough to learn in minutes and doesn’t impose a workflow so you can use Doris however it suits you. Let Doris help you take your productivity to the next level! MAIN FEATURES AT A GLANCE • keep up to date with your tasks on your Mac and synchronise with the Doris web app (register for FREE) • companion iPhone app available • never lose your work, all data duplicated on server with redundant backups • easily manage hundreds of tasks, full sync takes less than 1 second for 500 tasks on a broadband connection • allocate time estimates per task to get an overview of total time required for projects USER INTERFACE FEATURES • pared down user interface lets you focus on only what’s important: getting stuff done today • single view lets you manage groups, tasks and view task descriptions all in one glance • contexts, tags and other clutter specifically omitted • one-click instant search • keyboard shortcuts provided for all actions for rapid task entry • drag and drop tasks to organise by group or re-prioritise • mark tasks as Important or to be done Today with one click • all ungrouped tasks can be quickly added to the Inbox for organising later INTEGRATIONS • iCal and Address Book integration using OS X Data Detectors • smart links within task descriptions WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU Use Help > Send Feedback to let us know what you think, email support@dorisapp.com or follow us on Twitter @dorisapp Simplify your life by offloading your tasks to Doris. Focus on what’s most important!