If you have many documents (pdf, pages, docx, key, numbers, pptx, txt, xls...) on your mac, you can use this application for classification management to make everything easier.
There are the following categories.
~ PDF (.pdf)
~ Office Word/Pages (.docx,.doc,.pages)
~ Office Excel/Numbers (.xlsx,.xls,.numbers,.csv)
~ PPT/Keynote (.pptx,.ppt,.key,.html,.htm)
~ TEXT (.txt,.rtf,.rtfd)
~ Favorites (.png,jpg,zip,.pdf,.pages and more…)
~ Others (.png,jpg,zip and more…)
~ Recently opened
Easy to use.
1. Left-click on the document icon to open the document.
2. Right-click on the document icon to remove the document from the category.
3. Drag to list another page of document icons.