DiskExpert: Free Up Disk Space

OS X 10.10
The fastest disk usage analyzer and disk cleanup agent tool! Your Startup Disk is almost full? Months of use left your Mac hard drive space filled with stray data? If you have low disk space, don't panic! The Free Up Disk Space application is here to help you to get more space. Disk Expert is a disk cleaner and disk space analyzer which finds the bulkiest content for Mac startup disk or for any folder, Dropbox or even external storage. And you can clear storage space in just minutes! How to free up disk space: 1. Scan your drive. 2. Detect the biggest files and folders. 3. Operate and organize the rarely used files and folders. The application is a great disk space analyzer for Mac OS X and macOS systems. It displays a drive usage map with a convenient sunburst chart, so you can easily find out what is taking up your Hard Drive space, and free up significant space in just minutes. Benefits of this utility: • Get your disk usage map • Easily view available disk space on your hard drive • Find which files and folders take up the most space • Discover files that are rarely used • Scan Dropbox for unnecessary files • Get rid of files you don't need • Keep your hard drive clean and organized • Clear Startup Disk in minutes When your Mac startup disk is full, you can easily organize your data by gathering files and folders into a collection, enabling you to rapidly move them to another place, or even to delete them. The disk visualizer supports all Mac disk volumes: ▹ HDD volumes ▹ CD and DVD discs ▹ Removable USB drives ▹ Mounted DMG ▹ SMB disk image Use this hard drive cleaner to find the biggest files and folders on your Mac and provide a list of items cluttering your disk. You can look for a file using the Finder tab and preview the file using the QuickLook option. Best Features: ◇ Fast scanning algorithm ◇ Animated scanning process ◇ Support of all volume types ◇ Support of scanning custom folders and disks ◇ Visual presentation of disk space usage as a sunburst diagram ◇ Display of biggest items on disks ◇ Display of file directory ◇ QuickLook preview ◇ Easy access in the Finder option This utility creates a visualization of your Mac disk usage so that you can save time in finding files and folders cluttering your hard drive space. NOTE: If you have any comments, issues or suggestions, please contact us directly at support@nektony.com. We will respond within one business day.