Disk Cleaner Pro – 3 in 1

OS X 10.11
■ Combining the best 3 apps in 1 with OVER 2,000,000 USERS. 10,000 RATINGS. AVERAGE RATING 4.9 ■ Disk Cleaner Pro combines our 3 most popular award winning apps into one package ■ Featured on EatAppleNews, Brothersoft, and many more! "This is a collection of necessary tools to keep your Mac clean." "Well designed multifunction Swiss Army knife Mac utility." 3 essential power tools to optimize the performance of your Mac. All for the price of one app! Get the most out of your Mac. Completely optimized with the smallest footprint of under 7MB to save you disk space. The most efficient Mac utility on the Mac App Store. Downsize and consolidate your huge collection of apps. This is the baby brother to DiskZilla® 8 in 1 for a fraction of the price. The only Mac utility you need. We're only leaving this promo for a limited time to celebrate reaching 2,000,000 downloads across all of our apps. We love our users. Please support us if you enjoy these apps by checking out our other apps or leaving us a review/rating. Thank you all for your continued support! [1. Duplicate File Cleaner] ◎ Discover and delete your duplicate files ◎ Pin-point hash checksum accuracy to find exact duplicates [2. Disk Cleaner] ◎ Scan to remove junk files and free up valuable disk space ◎ Fully customizable [3. Memory Cleaner] ◎ Purge and free up your memory (RAM) ◎ Optimize performance [*BONUS* Health Monitor] ◎ Intuitive overview of your Mac system stats and performance ◎ Real-time display of your CPU, network usage, memory usage, and disk space For any questions, suggestions, or bugs, please email us at support@pocketbitsllc.com. We encourage you to email us directly for the fastest response. We want to hear your thoughts and make improvements to future versions of this app to keep you happy. We are a small startup based out of San Diego, California and we appreciate all of the great feedback. Thank you for all the support. :) DiskZilla® is a registered trademark of Pocket Bits LLC. San Diego, CA USA.