DFind – Advanced File Search

OS X 10.6
DFind lets you perform advanced file and folder searches on your Mac. Need to find all files containing a certain text? Need to find files created in the last hour? Need to find large files that take up all your disk space? Only remember the partial name of a file and don't know where it's located? Then DFind is for you! Features include: - full disk search that does not use the OSX spotlight index - fast search algorithm - integrated app usage guide - search by name or partial name - search for files containing a certain text - search in specific locations - search in sub-folders with the ability to limit depth - search for hidden and system files - filter searches by creation and modification date - filter searches by minimum and maximum size - search for date ranges - search for size ranges - sort results by path, size, created date and modified date - QuickLook integration - realtime search results display - open items directly from DFind search results list - ability to Copy and Move to Trash selected items - ability to Copy Paths for selected items, resulting in a formatted text - retina display support - fast load time - low CPU usage - support for OSX 10.6 and newer - FREE updates for all versions And much more! If you spot ANY bugs or glitches, send an email to contact@devstorm-apps.com as we cannot respond to AppStore reviews. Additionally, if you have any feature requests send an email and all efforts will be made to have them integrated in the next release. Thank you for your support!