OS X 10.10
Information overload — Swamped by paper, emails, notes? Meet DEVONthink — designed to manage and organize all those disparate pieces of information that are so important to your work or studies. As you become more experienced with DEVONthink and its easy, intuitive interface, you will quickly find more exciting ways of using your data. What DEVONthink Personal does for you: - DEVONthink stores your documents, scanned papers, notes, bookmarks, etc. in one place. Access live web pages seamlessly from within DEVONthink to review and extract further information. - Create RTF documents, edit them in full screen, and use smart templates to quickly add pre-styled documents. Clip data from other applications using drag-and-drop, services, or the Dock menu. - Edit images, cross-reference documents, and annotate PDF documents using standard PDF annotations. - Search, classify, and show relationships between your documents (automatically and language-independently) with the help of Artificial Intelligence. - Take all your important documents with you on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with DEVONthink To Go. Perfect integration: - Store and view many file formats including, but not limited to, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice.org, Apple iWork, Skim, Mellel, and all file formats supported by Quicklook. - Scan your papers with your scan software and file them in your database. - Search your database also directly from Spotlight. Based on DEVONsphere®.


DEVONthink 3:这才是你的个人信息管理库

DEVONthink 3 在 4 月发布了公开测试版,看到消息我在第一时间下载了测试版体验了一下,惊喜不少,最直观的就是界面变得漂亮简洁了,再也不是原来那种拒人于千里之外的印象了。 3.0 取消了 devonnote,devonthink personal 两个产品线,仅留下 devonthink ...