Intel 64 / OS X
DesktopLyrics is an application that displays the lyrics of the song currently playing in "iTunes" right on your desktop. The lyrics for the song have to be set in iTunes; DesktopLyrics does nothing to fetch them if they aren't available in iTunes. If you don't want to type-in all your lyrics manually you can use an application like "Harmonic", "GimmieSomeTune", or "Get Lyrical". Note: As of version 2.0.0, DesktopLyrics is no longer free and costs $3.99. A 'Lite', unsupported version of the app is available here.

What's New

Version 2.6.8:
  • Make recording of page-turns emit a helpful on-screen user-notification
  • Fix recording of page-turns with song that have been paused or fast-forwarded
  • Fixed crash when moving DesktopLyrics while it is running
  • Updated documentation for correctness of Terminal-codes


  • OS X 10.7 or later
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