* Take screenshots of full or partial desktop area effectively *
deskShots 2 is the first major upgrade to an existing desktop application that lets you take desktop screenshots effectively. Taking a desktop screenshot can't be any easier with deskShots 2. Take a screenshot of the full or a partial desktop area with a click of a button without letting the application prompt you to name each file. Select a shape like a circle, a triangle, a square, a heart, a diamond that surrounds the mouse pointer.
- What's new? -
1. The user can optionally give the application access to additional two dozen cursor types.
2. Override the mouse position by giving the application different mouse position coordinates.
3. The previous version let the user highlight a circular area surrounding the mouse pointer. This upgrade allowed the user to highlight an area with a shape of their selection.
4. Set a stroke weight to a shape and cast a shadow around a shape that surrounds the mouse pointer.
5. Enlarge the screenshot up to 4x.
6. The built-in user's guide called Quick Tour will show you how to use the application with graphics.
- Features -
1. Take a desktop screenshot with a click of a button without letting the application prompt you to name each file.
2. Preview the screenshot with a preview screen.
3. Set a partial desktop area. Save any number of presets.
4. Optionally give the application access to additional two dozen cursor types.
5. Override the mouse pointer position regardless of where it currently is.
6. Surround the mouse pointer with a shape (circle, square, cross, diamond, heart...) of your selection.
7. Enlarge the screenshot up to 4x.
8. The application supports the fullScreen mode.
9. The application supports the retina screen. (tested with 2014 2.6 GHz 13" MacBook Pro)
10.Languages: English only.
11.Application file size: 31.9 MB.
12.The application comes with a built-in 20-page user guide. Choose Show Quick Tour under deskShots 2 whenever you need to see it.
- System requirements -
1. 10.8 (tested with 10.8.5), 10.9 (tested with 10.9.5), 10.10 (tested with 10.10.3)
2. 64-bit system
- Limitations -
1. The application can fail to keep track of the global mouse position while its window is brought to front under some operating system versions or with certain Mac models. In order to let the application position the mouse pointer at the right spot, the user is advised to turn on the delay checkbox button and then deselect the application or select Finder when they take a screenshot.