Get Designs for iBooks Author free of charge now!
Designs for iBooks Author includes two extraordinary Templates for iBooks Author application for free. Use it to give your e-book an exceptional look and become the published author!
Free Templates will provide an amazing design for your e-book. All you have to do is choose the template, write your book on Apple’s iBooks Author and publish it on iBookstore. Your e-book will definitely look exceptional on the bookshelf. Use Designs for iBooks Author and put yourself one step ahead of competition!
All the templates are flexible and can be used for a high variety of books. Pictures can be replaced with a drag-and-drop ease, since most of the elements are easy to move, resize or delete. Many widgets, font styles and other tools are just a few clicks away. Modifying a template will not take long, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.
Using the templates requires free iBooks Author app.