OS X 10.6.6
DeployIt! - Drag and Drop your *.app or *.ipa file to DeployIT! Window, and all iphone or ipad in local network will be able to install the app (as long as the phone id is registered in provision profile). - Drag and drop "bin" folder from Eclipse IDE, and all supported device is able to install the app. - Type the home page url (from about page) and you ready to install. - Send email to beta tester in order for them to download and install the app. Just copy email template and paste to email, and send. - If beta tester is not in local network, He or She can install the app through Dropbox shared folder. The iPhone or iPad id should be registered on app provision profile. No Server required Just use Mac computer for local server deployment and Dropbox for Internet deployment. Dropbox requirement If you don't have one please apply for new account. Drag And Drop *.app You can directly drag and drop app file from XCode to DeployIT! Window without create *.ipa file, or if you have ipa file, you can use the file also.