OS X 10.10
Data Creator is an advanced data generator that can create table filled with pseudo-random custom content in just few clicks. You can select which kind of fields (columns) you like (name of animals, colors, fruits, english surname, german names and so on with over 50 different kind of data) and have all the contents filled for how many rows you like in a click. It can export to Comma separated value, Tab separated values, html tables, even web pages ready to click or in any custom format you like. Data Creator is a must have for any power user or developer working with database or web pages when in need of neutral realistic generated data for prototyping or test purpose. Data Creator can be used to create small or very large data sets (thousands and thousands of records) for fast prototyping or stress test of structures and scripts. Using Data Creator you can now perform serious demo and software test using realistic data and not just repetitive unrealistic text fields created with copy and paste. Data Creator can be used any time you need to produce massive, heterogeneous, realistic data for any development, or test or demo purpose. Data Creator is simple to use and powerful, with over 50 different types of data to insert in custom created data tables. Created data can be heterogeneous, various and absolutely realistic, thanks to a large internal database of data to create dataset that looks true during demonstration and usage test. It uses an intuitive macOS interface any Mac user is able to use from the first launch. It's fast to create data, in a click it can create thousands and thousand rows of data It's fast to let you see and change data thanks to a latest generation interface It's fast to let you use data, it uses a state of the art export interface with great features. It let you select in which format to export. It can even export in ready to use web pages in html format One of the greatest feature of Data Creator is the Custom export that let you specify in great details the format to use to export. You can specify code to embed at the start and at the end of the file, at the start and end of any record, before and after any field and the tag to use as field separator. Data Creator is a must have for any developer or webmaster. Using it as a generator of realistic data you will discover work is a lot better and your presentations or tests will have an asset more similar to the true working conditions. • Allows over 50 different type of data (Full list at our web site) filling • Creates realistic data from very large internal data sources including names and surnames with various country origin (USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain) and many more types (emails, colors, animals, cheese, name street by country and so on..) • Creation and definition of new columns (fields) at any time • Optional prefix and suffix for any data field to let you create really personalized custom output for any field • Date range with custom formatting • Can create thousands and thousands of records in few seconds • Can manage records as in a true database, with add, delete, refresh sort and full undo support • Can modify add and delete and refresh records at any time • Can save data and structures inside documents for later reuse and modification • Can export in TSV or CSV or HTML or Custom (with user defined tags and separators) format inside text file for use in external software (Database or other) • Can export in a totally custom format where you specify the format in any details! • Can use name fields as first row of export Fully Mac macOs 10.12 Sierra optimized Requires minimum macOS 10.10 Yosemite