DAT Flashcards for Dental Admissions Test Lite

OS X 10.8
This is a fully functional version of DAT Flashcards for the Dental Admissions Test (DAT for short). It has only a few select cards for your evaluation. However, all options and features are active. This is the Lite version for DAT Flashcards. The full version has over 2000 different DAT Flashcards to master the material to do well on the DAT to gain entrance into dental school. The program itself offers various features and options for a great and convenient learning environment which include: - Ability to Randomize cards - Can Flag cards for later use - Grade cards by using gestures - Study only missed cards, only new cards, only correct cards, flagged cards, or study all cards - Study all categories or selected categories - Timed mode to automatically flip card and advance cards. - Ability to edit and delete cards - Convenient statistics panel to see progress - Can change background color and text color - Can change text size - Can see back of card first If you enjoy our Lite version, you can purchase our full version on the app store. Try it out!