Intel 64 / OS X
$ 9.99
DaisyDisk allows you to visualize your disk usage and free up disk space by quickly finding and deleting big unused files. The program scans your disk and displays its content as a sector diagram where the biggest files and folders at once become obvious. To drill down to a folder, just click on a segment. To bubble up, click in the center. Move the mouse over the diagram and see the name and path of each file, and enclosed files (if any). Hit Space to quickly preview file content, without launching another application. In this way, walk around your disk and drag-and-drop all unneeded files into the "collector". Expand the collector to check its contents. When done, clean it up with a single click. What’s new:
  • Extended support of the new Apple File System (APFS) on macOS High Sierra, in particular:
  • You can now see the “purgeable space” — the disk space taken by the local snapshots of Time Machine and other caches, which cannot be scanned, but can now be identified inside the “hidden space”.
  • And you can now reclaim that “purgeable space”.
  • Added display of the “free space” in the right sidebar list, along with the estimation of available space, that is, “free + purgeable”.
  • Added display of the space taken by “other volumes” in the same APFS container, inside the “hidden space”.
  • Lots of bugs fixed.


DaisyDisk 4.5 更新,支持 APFS 文件系统

自 DaisyDisk 4 在 2015 年发布后,这款软件一直没有做大版本更新,而是以小版本迭代的形式定期维护着,除了修修 bug,支持一些小语种本地化的更新外就没有其他动作了,也许这跟它的功能定位有很大的关系吧。在本周,DaisyDisk 发布了非常重要的一次版本更新,4.5 版本开始支持 ma...