Custom Onion Address – vanity .onion address

OS X 10.11
Customised Vanity lets you create vanity GPG keys and .onion addresses (for Tor's hidden services). Note: The generated address is a base32 string, please read more details on the TOR project page. Here is a estimate table for how long it can take: 1 character less then 0.01 seconds 2 characters less then 0.01 seconds 3 characters approx. 0.01 seconds 4 characters approx. 0.3 seconds 5 characters approx. 11 seconds 6 characters approx. 6 minutes 7 characters approx. 8 hours 8 characters approx. 10 days 9 characters approx. 1 year 10 characters approx. 41 years 11 characters approx. 1'311 years 12 characters approx. 42'000 years 13 characters approx. 1.3 million years 14 characters approx. 43 million years 15 characters approx. 1.4 billion years 16 characters approx. 44 billion years