CSV Viewer & Editor – Convert

OS X 10.11
CSV, or comma separated values, are a type of file used to transport data among different environments. They are particularly effective since the data encoding is made in a character string, separated by a specific character(usually comma or semi-colon). Thinking about that, we present you CSV Viewer & Editor - Convert. It’s a lightweight application and a must have for anyone who wants to work with their CSV files. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Enjoy our amazing features ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • CSV viewing • CSV editing - add and delete columns, add and delete rows, customize column names and reorder columns • CSV creating - create a new document from scratch • CSV converting do JSON ••••••••••••••••••••••••• How to Use ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • To start a new document, click the new document icon (blank page with upwards arrow) • To open an existing document, select your file’s encoding method and the separator character, then, if needed, check the File Has Header check box and click the open file icon(folder with a plus sign) • If your file didn’t open properly, adjust the encoding and separator options and click Resync with file(2 black arrows in a circular shape) • Double click a cell or column header to edit it’s text value • To add or remove column or rows, click the buttons located on the bottom right hand side. • When you’re done, click the save icon, set your output settings and click Save.