Show your favorite crypto currencies directly in the Mac statusbar. You decide what to display and how to display it. There are 6 different ways of showing the ticker in the status bar including ways to fit even more currencies in the status bar without taking up too much space.
Support for more than 1300 currencies/coins including but not limited to:
* Bitcoin (BTC)
* Ethereum (ETH)
* Ripple (XRP)
* Litecoin (LTC)
* Ethereum Classic (ETC)
* Dash (DASH)
* Monero (XMR)
* BitShares (BTS)
* Stratis (STRAT)
* Zcash (ZEC)
* Steem (STEEM)
* Waves (WAVES)
* Golem (GNT)
* AntShares (ANS)
* Bytecoin (BCN)
* Siacoin (SC)
* Gnosis (GNO)
* Iconomi (ICN)
* Augur (REP)
* Lisk (LSK)
* Dogecoin (DOGE)
* Stellar Lumens (XLM)
* MaidSafeCoin (MAID)
* Byteball (GBYTE)
* Tether (USDT)
* Factom (FCT)
* .....