Course For Flash Builder 105 – Working With Data Grids

OS X 10.9
Data grids are one of the pillars of Flex development using Flash Builder so it’s important to get a good understanding of how they work. In this course, Adobe expert and professional developer Duane Nickull teaches you all about them... App Features: • 60 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection needed) • Easy to navigate Course Outline: 1. Getting Started with DataGrid (03:43) 2. Changing DataGrid Values (03:21) 3. Adding an Array DataProvider - Part 1 (03:30) 4. Adding an Array DataProvider - Part 2 (02:52) 5. Adding an Array DataProvider - Part 3 (00:00) 6. Using an MXML DataProvider (03:49) 7. Toggling Column Visibility (03:24) 8. Adding Skins (03:38) 9. Adding Popup Datagrid Control - Part 1 (02:35) 10. Adding Popup Datagrid Control - Part 2 (02:21) 11. Removing System Chrome (02:37) 12. Adding StartMove Event (02:22) 13. Adding Close Button (03:11) 14. DataGrid XML - Part 1 (03:17) 15. DataGrid XML - Part 2 (02:59) 16. Detecting Selected DataGrid Row (02:53) 17. Advanced DataGrid Functions - Part 1 (03:07) 18. Advanced DataGrid Functions - Part 2 (03:01) 19. Advanced DataGrid Functions - Part 3 (03:45) 20. Adding Icons To DataGrid (03:30)