Course For FabFilter 201

OS X 10.9
Nobody makes audio plugins like FabFilter. And there’s nobody better suited to teach them than our very own Joe Albano. This course explains the Pro Series FX bundle and shows it in action! App Features: • 135 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection needed) • Easy to navigate Course Outline: 1. Introduction (01:42) 2. Common Features (06:22) 3. Pro-Q 2 Controls I (06:45) 4. Pro-Q 2 Controls II: Applications (07:44) 5. Pro-C Controls I (05:03) 6. Pro-C Controls II (04:20) 7. Pro-C Controls III: Applications (08:02) 8. Pro-MB Controls I (05:28) 9. Pro-MB Controls II: Applications (07:52) 10. Pro-L Background: Operation (08:02) 11. Pro-L Controls: Applications (07:52) 12. Pro-G Controls I (07:02) 13. Pro-G Controls II: Applications (07:22) 14. Pro-DS Controls: Applications (07:42) 15. Saturn Controls I (07:02) 16. Saturn Controls II (03:49) 17. Saturn Modulation: Applications (05:27) 18. Volcano Controls (05:38) 19. Volcano Modulation Applications (06:35) 20. Timeless Controls (05:30) 21. Timeless Modulation Applications (08:02) 22. Wrap-Up (01:45)