Copyem Paste

Intel 64 / OS X
$ 14.99
Copy'em Paste is a simple-yet-powerful clipboard tool for speeding up your daily copy-and-paste workflow. It automatically keeps your copied text, images, links, screenshots, etc., and lets you recall/paste them anytime, right at your fingertips. Use it to copy items consecutively and then paste them (without the usual, back-and-forward copy/paste round trips), store favorite clippings permanently, take screenshots without clogging up your desktop, collect data for research, expedite pasting of clippings, transform pasted text, organize clippings into lists, and so on. All done with amazing speed, making it a time-saving, highly valuable productivity tool! Features Automatically remembers the things copied by regular copy/cut commands Can store unlimited number of clippings Accepts text, images, links, HTML, code, PDFs, files, and clippings of proprietary formats Instant access to clippings via menubar or customizable Command-Shift-V Can paste clippings via drag-and-drop into target applications Can be configured to paste into VNC, NoMachine, Parallels, etc. Batch pasting of multiple snippets Can paste clippings with local shortcuts ('0' to '9' and 'a' to 'z') Can paste clippings with unlimited number of global shortcuts Plain-text mode option to paste any rich text as plain text, and option to paste rich text when plain-text mode is on Text transformation options (capitalization, line-unwrapping, stripping whitespace, adding prefixes/suffixes, etc.) Unlimited number of lists for you to organize your favorite clippings Auto-star mode where newly arrived clippings are automatically put into the current starred list Fast switching between lists via app-local shortcuts (such as Command-1, Command-2, etc.) Use swiping or Command-[ and Command-] shortcuts to navigate backward and forward between lists Sort clippings by creation dates, most-recently-used dates, and paste frequency, etc. Rearrange clippings in starred lists via drag-and-drop Find clippings by search, content-type filtering, and application-name filtering Fast searching, with search-as-you-type, and options to auto-focus and auto-clear the search field Option to manually edit text clippings Option to assign names to clippings or edit them Open clippings window next to current mouse location (in order to minimize mouse movement) Option to keep the window open after each paste operation; by default, the window automatically closes after use Capture screenshots (full screen, windows, selected areas, etc.) as clippings Blacklist applications, so clippings from them won't be saved Stop (or resume) collecting new clippings Can delete selected clippings, selected sets, or entire lists Change the theme, with option to show text clippings in original colors or grayscale Automatically switch theme according to the OS X theme setting