OS X 10.6
If you've ever needed to convert a file to base 64, perhaps to send it over the web, Convert64 is the tool for you. If the file is one of a number of common image formats then Convert64 can even wrap it in HTML or CSS so that you can copy and paste it into your website code without the need for a separate image data file. So far this is nothing more than can be done by any other fully functional base 64 utility, but Convert64 has one more trick up its sleeve - a trick that makes it useful even if you don't need a base 64 encoder. Convert64 can accurately recognise files - even if the file extension is lost! If you've ever been sent a file of unknown provenance, simply drag its icon into a Convert64 window and Convert64 will tell you what the file is. Magic! Please Note! File identification and image manipulation functionality is only available in Mac OS X 10.7 or newer. If you are using Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) then Convert64 will function as a basic base64 file encoder / decoder only.