Constructing and Fine Tuning Your Studio

OS X 10.9
Get out you hammer, nail gun and hardhat... This course by Jim Pavett will teach you how to take your initial studio design and transform it into the actual floors, walls and ceilings of your recording studio! This course assumes that you've watched the Studio Edge 101 course and have got your basic plan in place. Now it’s time to solidify the design and start the construction! The first section is all about design. Here you learn about the different kinds of spaces—from the Writing Room to the Control Room—and how they work together in the overall design. Next, you’re off to construction: In this collection of tutorials you get the inside info on the different construction materials you need to build your floors, walls, ceilings, doors and windows. Next up is HVAC and electrical. These essential components must follow very specific design criteria to ensure that your studio is comfortable, acoustically quiet and free of those pesky grounding problems. Jim shows you the concepts to insure making that your studios mechanicals are top notch. Wall treatments and isolation tips is next: In these tutorials, Jim takes you on a tour of some commercially available acoustic materials, explains what they do and shows you several different mounting techniques to help you balance out the absorptive, diffusive and isolation needs of your recording environment. Now it’s time to move in your gear and set up the monitors. In this series of tutorials you learn how to spec out your gear, get everything wired up and ready to rock! However, before you can book your first session, you’ve got to fine tune the room! The final tutorials in this course explore all the parameters that must work together to get your studio sounding just right! So before you build your first wall, sit back and be sure to watch all of the courses and videos in our Studio Design and Construction collection to get the job done right! Table of contents: 1. Different Designs for Different Needs 2. Creating the Writing Room 3. Using Technology When You Can't Build 4. Designing the Control Room and Live Room 5. Designing the Small Isolation Room 6. Send Off Design for Analysis 7. Selecting Equipment 8. Studio Wiring and Patch Layouts 9. Physical Construction 10. Construction Materials 11. Wall Performance 12. Floor Construction 13. Wall Construction 14. Ceiling Construction 15. The Doors 16. Windows - Outdoor and Observation 17. HVAC System 18. Electrical System and Grounding 19. Treating the Room 20. Isolation Tools 21. Equipment Installation 22. Techin' Out the Install 23. Speaker Setup 24. Acoustic Analysis 25. What does and Acoustician do? 26. Diagnosing the Problems 27. Room Modes 28. Comb Filtering 29. Absorption 30. Diffusion 31. Speakers 32. Benefits 33. Control Room Analysis and Results 34. Conclusion