CompTIA A+ 901/902 Exam Prep Bundle

OS X 10.6
The new CompTIA A+ exams are more rigorous than ever before. Dynamic Path's new CompTIA A+ 900 Bundle will thoroughly prepare you for both the 220-901 and 220-902 IT technician certification. With 600 questions and explanations and with expanded, all-new material written by a CompTIA-certified trainer, our app covers all topics to be found on the new CompTIA A+ 900 exams, including: – Hardware – Networking – Mobile Devices – Hardware and Network Troubleshooting – Windows Operating Systems – Other Operating Systems and Technologies – Security – Software Troubleshooting – Operational Procedures All of Upward Mobility's exam prep apps have an intuitive UI for easy on-the-go studying. Each apps offers both: A Study Mode, where users can leisurely review questions and their explanations. We believe it's important not just to tell you if you were right or wrong, but to provide additional information to reinforce and expand your IT knowledge, and A Test Mode, where users can simulate the exam experience with a timed test or just take a quick quiz, and review their results afterwards, individually and in aggregate. Dynamic Path is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by CompTIA or any other organization.