Compact Dictionary

OS X 10.6.6
This app is tagged “Compact” only because our paid Version “Professional Dictionary” is almost three times larger. However, it is huge if compared with other English-Spanish dictionaries, even paid ones. Featured by Apple in “New & Noteworthy” in USA, Spain and other countries, our dictionaries have been many a time rated by our customers in the App Store as the most outstanding, comprehensive and extensive English-Spanish dictionaries available anywhere. Now, with the desktop version, Word Magic is outperforming itself, fixing most issues requested by Users in the past and adding many bonus features you will find in no other dictionary app. Guaranteed! WORKS OFFLINE - Connection required only for images and spell-check. Latest additions: • Embedded Tutorial. • You may enter plurals or feminine forms. • Background color and font selection from among 3 different themes. • “Intelligent Word List Display” at the left of dictionary. Automatically identifies input language, plurals, feminine forms and Spanish verb conjugations, whether you type them with or without accent or even with a misplaced accent. • Words which are spelled identically in both languages are displayed twice in the List, marked with a flag at the side. • Fuzzy Search: Detects misspelled words simultaneously in English and Spanish, offering close suggestions. With over 359,000 entries, 359,000 translations, 436,000 synonyms, and a huge collection of idiomatic expressions in both languages this work constitutes by far the largest free English-Spanish dictionary in existence. Internet required only for pronunciation and spell checker suggestions. Other Features: • Covers International, European, Latin American and Mexican Spanish. • Covers American and British English. • Innovative “Scan Function” for conceptual search of idioms and related phrases. • Important Note: A translation dictionary typically includes translations only. Dictionary Display includes: - Translations and Synonyms (paid versions include definitions, antonyms and usage examples as well) - Clear-cut separation of meanings, identified with WM’s “Descriptive Tags” - Part of Speech and other grammar attributes: Noun, Verb, Adj, etc. - Noun type classification: Concrete, Abstract, Animate, Animal, etc. - Field Classification, indicates area of usage: Zoology, Chemistry, Domestic, etc. - Idiomatic Use tags: Idiomatic, Slang, Figurative, Formal, Inf., etc. - Colloquial words indicated with flag icon of each country - On/Off display of slang, foreign or offensive words. Default OFF. - More than 30,000 color pictures help identify word meanings and context. • Search History. • Mark Favorite Words easily. • Captions in English or Spanish determined by computer's default language. Voices powered by iSpeech