Keep track of your Source Code, wherever it happens to be!
Committed uses OS X’s Notification Center to let you know when the source code changes in the repositories you care about!
The Magical Panda has rebuilt Committed from the ground up to bring you more stability, faster downloads, a more usable interface and a roadmap for the future.
Sometimes you miss notifications. Committed lets you view your past commits right from the status bar. Commit details are also available for you without the need for a web browser.
Currently Committed works with Github and Enterprise Github accounts. We’re working on adding more services in updates!
- Multiple Account Support
- Github and Enterprise Github accounts
- Support for Github Two-Factor Authentication
- Follow Watched and Starred Repos
- Follow Organization repos
- Enable Notifications only for Repositories you want to know about
- Browse past commits without a network connection
Committed is built by a a small, independent developer, dedicated to bringing you great apps. We want to hear how we can make Committed even more useful for you! Get in touch by clicking the “Support” link, or email the Panda directly: the@magicalpanda.com