Comic Reader Pro

OS X 10.6.6
"Comic Reader Pro" is a new step, to comic reading apps, it has an unbelievable and outstanding way to read your comics.Just imagine your device, as a great bookshelf full of your favorite comic books. With "Comic Reader Pro" you don't just get the most wonderful, innovative and a perfect comic reader app on your device, it does way much more: 1、Fullscreen: Maximize viewing area; 2、Page Layout: Pages laid out as they would be in print; 3、Page Ordering: Left to right or right to left; 4、Page Scaling: Original size, window fit and horizontal; 5、Archive Handling: Seamlessly deals with .cbr, .cbz, .zip, .rar, tar, 7z, lha and others; 6、Multiple Sessions: View multiple comics at one time; 7、Auto-save: Comics are automatically bookmarked and reopened at launch; 8、Page Rotation: Rotate the pages to maximize display area; 9、Image Loupe: Zoom in on small details; 10、Full Screen Thumbnail View: Quickly find the page you want;