Designed to stay always on the status bar and available to pick colour immediately, it helps creative developer, a website designer and software engineers to speed up their workflow.
Features at glance
√ OSX Yosemite ready
√ Keyboard joystick feature for colour sliders.
Eg. Press "R" and "E" to increase and decrease Red color value. "G" and "F" for green, "B" and "V" for Blue and "O" and "I" for opacity/transparency.
√ The Joystick feature is available for all the colour modes(RGB, CMYK, HSB).
√ Mask preview to color grading videos and images.
√ The joystick feature is also available for mask preview.
√ Colour picker generates values in RGB, CMYK and HSB values.
√ The application is readily available in the status bar to pick colour from anywhere in the screen.
√ It generates ObjectiveC, Java and HTML script which can used directly for coding.
√ It also generates colour code for the selected colour.
√ Very useful for web designers. creative professional and software engineers.