OS X 10.10
The simple color recognition app for color blind people: ColorCompass names reliably millions of colors with just 10 simple terms : red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet, pink, gray, black. The small toolbar sits discreetly always on top of your desktop, and updates automatically color names on each of your mouse move. You can move the toolbar wherever you like and it works with any other app. Perfect, for colorblind people who want to achieve their work reliably: presentations and spreadsheets, website design, or even their shopping... color blindness won't stop you anymore when working with colors. Key features : - automatic color recognition with 10 simple terms - magnifying glass for more precision - simple color picker with many different color code format : RGB, HEX, HSL, HSB, CMYK, Lab, LCH and simple color history - launch on startup - start or pause for the automatic update - advanced mode displaying color name next to color code