OS X 10.9
CM PDF Merge NX is a New Generation Fast Easy to Use Application which helps you merge two or more PDF files together. It also allows you to rearrange the pages within the pdf file. Extract pages from one or more PDF files and create a brand new PDF file altogether. CM PDF Merge NX lets you * Merge two or more PDF files together * Reorder Pages within a PDF file * Remove Pages from a PDF file * Change Author's Name, Subject, Title and Keywords * Change PDF Version Number support * Add Password and set PDF Permissions to existing PDF File * Remove Password from PDF file (provided you know the existing password) All it takes are a few simple steps 1) Load the PDF Files into CM PDF Merge NX 2) Set the Save As Option which would be the name of the new PDF File and its location 3) If you want to extract pages from each PDF file, you can opt to use the "From" and "To" columns to determine the page range. However if you need more than a simple From and To option, check the "Use Page Ranges" checkbox and then enter the page range in the "Page Ranges" column. 4) Click Start and let CM PDF Merge NX do its magic. No Fuss! No Mess! And Get it Right Every Time. Features of CM PDF Merge NX * Allows you to load selective PDF files using Load Files. Now in CM PDF Merge NX, you can merge Password Protected PDF Files, all you need is to supply the necessary password for those files and you are set to go. * Allows you to load entire folders of PDF files using Load Folders with or without sub folders * Allows Resorting of the list by Alphabetical Order just by clicking on the header (either Ascending or Descending)  * Extract Pages from the PDF files * Allows Manual Reordering of the files just by dragging and dropping the file names within the list into the position you want  * Allows you to remove files by using the Delete function in the contextual menu  * Allows you to select pages from each PDF file by using the new From and To option or by using the Page Range option where you can set page ranges such as '1-5,19,6-18,23-19,30-50'. The Page Range option would allow you to rearrange the pages within the pdf file, skip pages which is not needed and copy those you want. It can work in either ascending or descending page order. * Allows the option to save and reuse settings in a XML style file. This will let you share settings with coworkers or use different settings for different clients without having to set them manually. * CM PDF Merge NX employs a highly efficient engine which works with any number of files  * Support for Author, Subject and Title for the generated PDF File  * Password (both User and Owner) Protected for generated PDF File if desired. * Support to Enable or Disable Printing, Copy and Annonation Restrictions in generated PDF File  If you encounter any issues, do contact us at , we will be happy to assist.