OS X 10.13
​Clock Pro is a Clock, Timer, Stop Watch, and Alarm Clock, plus a bunch of extras, all rolled up into one! CLOCK: Clock Pro home tab is full of wonderful features, giving you an overview of the Timer, Stop Watch, and Alarm clock. TIMER: Run 3 timers simultaneously with Timer, and choose a different ringtone for each. Clock Pro has a selection of 6 ringtones, plus more to come! Easily edit the Timer if you need to make some changes after starting it, even while it's running! You can have Clock Pro repeat the Timer until you tell it to stop. This is convenient if you need to be reminded every few minutes about something. STOPWATCH: Use StopWatch to time yourself to see how long a job will take or for other seemingly endless tasks. Just like in Timer, you can edit the StopWatch even while it's running. ALARMS: Need a reminder? Never fear because Clock Pro is here; it will remind you! Set the time, name the Alarm (optional, but a good idea) and write a little description about the Alarm (optional). Select one of the 6 ringtones for your alarm and hit the set button and forget! BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! That's not all you can do! Clock Pro also lets you use keyboard commands to perform tasks in Clock. For example, you can use the spacebar to pause, resume, or start the Timer or Stop Watch. There's also more commands available in Clock! (A list of available commands can be accessed within the app). Clock Pro also has a lot of options and settings which lets you customize the app! For example, you have the option of a 24hour clock or the regular 12hour clock. There's also a quiet mode Clock as well as other options and settings! Also, if you feel Clock Pro is missing something, you can contact us directing by clicking the "Send Feedback" button under the options tab in Clock. Don't hesitate to contact us! We'd love to help you! Here's what our users are saying about Clock Pro: "App is well designed, and very functional. Not just another nice app to have. I use it every day, it takes the place of a few apps 'ALL in One'. The developers are very dedicated to improve the app and solicit constructive user feedback. They are very responsive to any user issues! Great app, great team! - Al" These are just some of the features that Clock Pro offers now with more coming in the future! The price is only 99 cents, why not get it now and try it for yourself?