A faster, simpler note-pad app with one-click copying to the clipboard.
Keep all your thoughts, notes, ideas, recipes, to do's, research clippings and charts, etc. together in one cleverly designed, uncluttered app.
Quickly copy your entire note to the clipboard. Especially great for frequently used things like code snippets, logos, email responses, charts, etc.
- Unlimited notes
- Unified search across all your notes
- Color note and text
- One click copying of entire text and images to the clipboad
- Full rich-text formatting
- Drag and drop images
- Save RTF File
- Import Text
- Export Text
- Export PDF
- Export note database
- Import backup database
- Printing
- Sharing Options
Easy to use:
1. Click the Add button [+] in the window or select "New Note" from the file menu.
2. Enter your note or drag and drop in an image.
3. Give your note a reference name by clicking and highlighting the Reference Name in the list. (You can also assign a reference type.)
4. Select a "Note Color" from the "File Menu" or click on an item in the list and then click the Color button in the window.
5. Edit note fonts, text color, size, etc using the standard Rich Text Menu items.
Designed to declutter.