Client Folder Maker

OS X 10.8
Client Folder Maker is a simple, easy-to-use general purpose folder creation and management tool for the busy desktop publisher, prepress operator or web designer. It allows you to set up a hierarchy of folders once, then re-create that hierarchy anywhere in the filesystem with just a few clicks from the Finder. After setting a pre-determined archive folder, simply enter the Client or Project Name, the Job or Version Number, and click the "Create Folder" button. Instantly, a new folder hierarchy is created. Client Folder Maker will faithfully create the folder structure based on the client's name and the number associated with that job - with all the support folders inside. Client Folder Maker utilizes a very simple approach to building custom folder sets for any job. Easily add, rename, or delete folders in the hierarchy and create new files under the folder tree. The hidden gem is CFM's limitless customization of tag variables, so the possibilities for personal customization are endless. Among Client Folder Maker's most useful features is its ability to import and export Presets via Drag & Drop. You can drag any Preset to the Desktop for setting up another machine, to save and archive, or even to email friends and colleagues. Existing Presets may also be sorted in any way in the list. You can also add useful descriptions for each Preset to better describe its use under different conditions. Client Folder Maker also incorporates a "Copy To ..." facility. You can place any native file (for example, an InDesign, ScreenFlow, Excel, Quark, etc) inside the "Copy To ..." folder. Now, when CFM is invoked, it will dutifully copy this document to any new folder structure. This is perfect for graphic designers who can easily set up presets for specific job types, such as business card or magazine design. To aid in building folder presets, you may also Drag & Drop existing folder structures on top of CFM's Preference window. This will automatically create a new preset on-the-fly, based on the content of that folder. All that is necessary is adjusting the tag variables. Client Folder Maker doesn't stop there. Users can also designate content to be auto-imported from existing source files. This feature easily copies content from any text file into the newly created files in the new folders. It is prefect for users who find themselves using the same base content in their projects, such as custom HTML markup, jQuery, CSS files, and more. Most designers maintain an archives or "work in progress" folder on their desktop. Client Folder Maker embraces this methodology by allowing users to select an archive of their choice. Now when CFM is invoked, it will automatically place any newly created folder heirarchy inside this WIP folder. Client Folder Maker ships with default Presents for the design or prepress minded, as well as a simple website structure for web developers. Both have their own unique tag variables, but can easily be customized for any working environment. Despite its namesake, Client Folder Maker's default presets aren't limited to simply a "client name" or a "job number." As long as the chosen words or phrases are surrounded in braces, you can create and use any tags you wish. If you have any questions about Client Folder Maker, or even need help setting up that perfect preset, we invite customers to contact us at any time. We'll be happy to address any potential issues.