Christmas Calendars – 圣诞日历

OS X 10.6
对于这些假期,请使用我们的软件中提供的照片或美丽的圣诞节背景照片创建自己的自定义日历。 给你的家人,朋友和你的客户惊喜,给他们定制圣诞日历,留下一整年的记忆! 创建日历真的很简单,从我们的软件提供的许多主题中选择一张照片或输入您的照片,选择一个短语写在日历上(一个愿望,亲人的名字或您的公司名称或 商店),选择是打印一年中的所有月份还是一个月(一月,二月,三月等),然后发送给新闻界! 简单的喝一杯水,非常有效! 今年,你用一个创造性的有用的礼物,让你惊喜的圣诞日历! IN ENGLISH: _____________ For these holidays, create your own custom calendars with your photos or with the beautiful christmas background photos provided in our software. Surprise your family, friends and your clients by donating them custom Christmas calendars, giving a present that lasts all year long! Creating calendars is really very simple, choose a photo from the many themes offered in our software or enter your own photo, choose a phrase to write on the calendar (a wish, a loved one's name, your company name or your shop name), choose whether to print all months of the year or just one month (January, February, March, etc.) and send it to the printer! Simple as drinking a glass of water and very effective! This year surprise everyone with a creative and useful gift, a Christmas calendar created by you!