They came without warning, squawking menacingly, their ruffled feathers darkening the sun. Invading intergalactic chickens, out to punish humanity for our oppression of their earthly brethren. I instantly knew what had to be done. I dropped my half-eaten chicken burger and jumped in my cockpit. With a greasy finger I set my lasers to "extra crispy" and blasted off to intercept the fowl invaders. But my greatest adventure was yet to come...
The Christmas Edition is characterized by festively dressed chickens which attack relentlessly in colorful groups and meticulously choreographed formations. The chicken fray is punctuated by fights against massive enemies disguised as Christmas elves, Santas, and other well-known holiday figures. Major enemies are also appropriately decorated with rows of blinking Christmas lights. Christmas ornaments, bows, ribbons, bells, and holly fly everywhere during the heat of battle. Floating Christmas gifts can be collected in order to extend the arsenal at the player's disposal. There's even a suitably festive snow blizzard -- in deep space! On-screen action is accompanied by original renditions of popular Christmas carols, composed specifically for this episode.